Friday, 26 September 2014

Requiem for one who dared

- for Francesco Fornabaio 

two thousand eyes looked 
heavenward to see 

a little yellow plane describing
loops of smoke

but then 
it tumbled from the sky 

and fell 
to final rest 

behind the trees beside 
the gated path

that leads  to 
the sky-blue sea

a rescue helicopter's roar 
then rose into the air 

(the broken yellow plane 
 will fly no more) 

the one who died 
did dare!



  1. I am getting déja vu from this post and I don't know why. Have you any idea why this is happening to me?

  2. Re the déjà vu maybe Mann's book title Death in Venice? He used to stay at hotel de Baines quite near to the place where it crashed.


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