Thursday, 6 November 2014

'Also if I don't know' by R Trossero

"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." 
- John 8 v 32

Also if I don't know 

I believe in you, 
God of Love
and of Life,

for I think 
you have an explanation 
for Death,
though I don't know it.

And I hope
that my departed
now live, 
though I don't know 

how or where.

The above verse is from the Argentinian poet Rene' Juan Trossero. I have translated the sense of the German text which is in itself a translation from the original.  I will try and add a musical YouTube link HERE


  1. There will be an answer, let it be
    For though they may be parted
    There is still a chance that they will see

  2. Love your post and also Rachel's comment. They go so well together.

  3. Thanks for these comments. The magical mystery tour goes on . . .


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