Saturday, 22 November 2014

Your 2014 Poet-in-Residence Ebola Virus Christmas e-Card

The Poet-in-Residence Ebola Virus Christmas e-Card can be emailed together with your personal seasonal greetings to any place in the world with internet access. You may like to consider making a donation to a charity such as Doctors Without Borders, although this is not compulsory. If you would rather support a local charity you can easily find worthy causes in your local vicinity. My personal charity donation today was to press a few coins into the hand of a homeless man searching for cigarette stumps in the gutter. There but for the grace of God(?) go I. 

12" x 4" / biro, marker pen, pink newspaper


  1. Mine today was a young man standing outside our very large M and S with a bucket collecting for Teenage Cancer. All these causes are so worthwhile - and it certainly makes me feel good giving to them whenever I can.

  2. Interesting drawing, neither male nor female. I bought some cards and made some but not yet sent an e card. Christmas is a strange festival and religion is lost to most.

    1. A strange festival indeed. By the way I've now added size / materials etc..

    2. I noticed. I think it is important and it makes me remember that I have not done it on my drawing of Mum and Me. Perhaps I can let myself off on this occasion. Christmas is a time of diverse views.

  3. You can definitely let yourself off. Christmas is a multi-layered festival with ancient roots. I think it's a time to reflect and perhaps to look forward. After Christmas the days get longer again in our hemisphere.


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