Monday, 22 December 2014

Adventus (Arrival and Renewal of Hope)


The white candles. 
The evergreen twigs.
The Christmas decorations. 
Every year it's the same.

The candle of Peace 
Is lighted 
But then it goes out 
For there is no Peace.

The candle of Love 
Is lighted 
But then it goes out
For there is no Love. 

The candle of Faith 
Is lighted 
But then it goes out 
For there is no Faith. 

And then the child comes
Into the room 
And the candle of Hope 
Is lighted. 

The white candles.
The evergreen twigs.
The Christmas decorations.
Every year it's the same. 


  1. Such a melancholy poem. I like it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Thank you Kass. I enjoyed looking at the old cigarette ads.

  3. It's hope that springs eternal Pat. It's the best we've got going for us when we think mistakenly things can't get worse.

  4. Kass there's a poem Fag Ash Lil you might enjoy, or maybe not. Don't hold your breath just enter fag Ash Lil in the blog search box. It's an ode for those wishing to kick the habit rather than the bucket.


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