Sunday, 6 September 2015

The Angel of Mercy

There are some people who constantly strive to make the world a better place for mankind. Angela Merkel is one of them. 

Man's inhumanity to man knows no bounds. Persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, or victims of gas attacks and murder or of wanton destruction of their towns and villages, and with no future in their homeland, millions must flee. Many survive the long exodus; the perilous sea crossings, the border fences, the nights hiding in the forests, the unscrupulous people smugglers, and finally they find their way to the Austro-Hungarian border now open like the parting of the Red Sea; they pour across and are given food, shelter and medicine before making their way by special trains to Germany, which is their promised land. 

Truly the meek shall inherit the earth. 


  1. This needs writing in large letters for all to read Gwil. Well said.

    1. Phew! You were here before the ink was dry. Well done, Pat :)

  2. Great stuff indeed, the world needs to do much better.

    1. Greetings Blogoratti, "the world needs to do much better" indeed.

  3. I feel that it is only right to give credit and admiration to Angela, if only for her humanitarian example.

    At other times, such as her treatment of Greece and other EU countries in similar financial straits I am not so generous but I guess we all have our downsides too.

    1. Thanks Heron's View, your comment reminds me of Dennis Healey arriving back from the money masters with his piece of paper, having saved the pound, or saved something. I don't know enough about international finance to say whether Greece could have obtained a better deal elsewhere, I suppose it depends on who controls the money supply at the end of the day, or who holds the keys to the vault.

  4. And they had better hurry because soon it will be closed.

    1. The future is uncertain, that's for sure.

    2. Where did your Road to Kaz blog go?

    3. Unwanted attention from weird man who didn't like me. I will be back with it from afar soon.

  5. Service to man is Service to God.We need the angels.

    1. A true saying if ever there was one.

      Thank you and welcome.

    2. Forgot to say, thanks also for comment on limericks.


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