Thursday, 15 October 2015

Is my weapon bigger than yours?

By way of reply to the forceful foreign policy of Mr. Putin and the presence of Russia's military might in what is left of Syria the American Mr. Obama is set to stiffen his resolve and influence in of all places Afghanistan. US troops will not be withdrawn by 2016 as planned. Some of you will recall the Russians sensibly advising the Americans during the first days of the so-called hunt for Bin Laden, not to go blundering around Afghanistan as they the Russians did, for they would then find themselves nailed down and unable to get out. This has proven to be the case. A Russian prophecy fulfilled. It's all about testosterone at the end of the day.


  1. Politics, I never could understand it.

    1. Thanks Blogoratti. Basically politics as it is practiced is about the state of the two trees in the forefront of picture and their relationship vis-avis the many smaller trees huddling in the background. That's basically it.

    2. I see now that the trees in the background are lined up like soldiers ready to march. Maybe there are small birds and animals huddling nearby. That is to say, animals waiting to be collateral damaged.

  2. Politics is only very rarely about common sense.

    1. rarely is a good word Heron. This latest adventure is not one of those rare instances unfortunately.

  3. birds flee
    soar on to further life
    forest fire


  4. Mr Obama is arming the Syrian Rebels, no talks of peace can happen yet.

    1. At midnight the Hungarian / Croatian border will be closed. Thousands won't make it. In a few days there could be more border crossing riots. Mr Obama is currently focussing on the tensions in the West Bank. Mr Bush the Son should be made to climb Hungary's razor wire fence and fetch his poodle with him.


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