Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The Muppets in Concert.

They only got half way through the theme from The Muppets. Dann was aus! 

That was last year. This year the authorities have other matters on which to concentrate their minds. Like what to do with nearly a million refugees, or four million as it will be by 2017 according to 'expert' predictions. Nobody is predicting when and how all this will end. Nobody is saying how many refugees will be coming after 2017. In Austria a prominent politician is taking legal action against  his own government, accusing them of involvement in a people smuggling racket. Several taxi drivers and bus drivers have already been sentenced to terms of imprisonment in Austria and Germany according to local news reports. Other bus drivers claim they are being forced to work long hours transporting refugees which means they could fall asleep at the wheel. The police have said they might go on strike if the situation doesn't improve. Motorists have been warned they will face huge fines if they are caught giving lifts to refugees. Slovenia has ordered sufficient fencing material to seal off their country from neighbouring Croatia should the need arise.  The other day I visited an overcrowded hall, a  refugee cafe' run by volunteers. I sampled some cake and coffee and left a small donation. I heard stories of refugees  arriving from Syria, Palestine and Afghanistan. Thousands more are today on the way from Libya according to the news. In Austria thirty refugees were taken seriously ill and rushed to hospital after eating poisonous mushrooms. The chaos continues unabated you might think.  But you'd be wrong. For what is unfolding here is happening by design and not by accident. For some background information to the root cause of the crisis please visit the video link in the post below. 


  1. I find it all frightening Gwil and dare not think about the future.

    1. There are good and bad in every people. In this case I'm sure the good will prevail. The future. Now there's a thing.

  2. Your header image is very good. You have shown these musicians before. What is going on in the world with mass migration will one day end when we are older than we are now and we may look back and remember it if we can. It is a difficult time and it is not surprising there is civil unrest because until the answers come, and this will be by way of necessity not than law and will sort itself by inertia, this is how it will go be.

    1. The header is a little bit 'spooky'. All those strange shapes in the water are twigs and bits of reed but they have composed a meaningful artwork. This effect can be observed reasonably often in nature.
      These musicians have been shown before, that is correct.
      They are changing German policy again. Now they say they are going to revert to Dublin (which in effect means they are going to revert to the law) .

  3. Your header image is very good. You have shown these musicians before. What is going on in the world with mass migration will one day end when we are older than we are now and we may look back and remember it if we can. It is a difficult time and it is not surprising there is civil unrest because until the answers come, and this will be by way of necessity not than law and will sort itself by inertia, this is how it will go be.

    1. Your last sentence. Worth saying it twice. :)


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