Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I'm riding your bike Stefan Sagmeister

You have to be at least 10 years old to ride this bike

"Actually doing the things I set out to do increases my overall level of satisfaction." Stefan Sagmeister

Guidelines for riding Stefan's bicycle:

Do not stand while pedaling.
Pedal long and hard.
Do not fall off.
Pedal slow and steady.
Do not go crazy.
Go through life slowly, otherwise you'll arrive at death fast.

    The Happy Show from Stefan Sagmeister is at Vienna's MAK, until 28th March. It's proving very popular. It looks like being a great success.

I'd be happy to visit The Happy Show again. At least one more time. Maybe twice.

Stefan on Happiness around the World:
    In worldwide surveys the Scandinavian countries always seem to do best. But when I travel within Scandinavia and have a coffee in the pedestrian zone of, say, Helsinki, I don't get the feeling I'm surrounded by a particularly happy bunch. The Brazilians seem so much more joyful. 

To see The Happy Show you have to get past these guys

At The Happy Show I watched one of Stefan's TED TALKS videos and also viewed a 12 minute outtake from The Happy Film project. Despite his claim that this exhibition will not make you happier I finally left the MAK smiling and feeling distinctly upbeat.

You can view Stefan Sagmeister's TED TALKS by simply clicking on the TED TALKS link in the alphabetical list at the foot of this blog and entering Stefan's name in the TED TALKS search box.


  1. I've always thought that about Scandinavians too Gwil - they are supposed to be happy but if they are then they keep it very much to themselves.

    1. My parents went on a Scandinavian cruise to celebrate their golden wedding. It rained on 13 days out of the 14. They filmed the whole experience. Totally depressing. Mist, rain, mist, rain, grey, grey, grey. I met an amiable bunch of Finns one time, but that was in an Australian pub in Vienna and they were on holiday and it was summer and the craic was good.

  2. Look at the Scandinavian crime tv shows - with so little light you can only become depressed...
    Interesting about Stefan Sagmeister!

    1. Lovely snowman (hiding his happiness too)

    2. I watched my friends home video of his holiday in Stockholm. The thing that seemed to impress him most was the tunnel under the place.

    3. The snowman will shrink now, be much smaller tomorrow. Now comes the mini spring we have been promised.

  3. I would like this exhibition. Next week it is said we are going to get colder weather here.

    1. Some other Sagmeister things you'd like. He designed the Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 1997 cd cover, he gives you free gumballs and ginger flavoured sweets, you press a button and you get a card out of a slot - it says 'approach another visitor and ask them if they like the exhibition' or 'pretend to be stefan sagmeister and tell people about an exhibit' and other fun things to do like drawing a picture of an animal which will always survive. I drew a mosquito.


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