Saturday, 15 November 2008

Reflections in the window

Poem written on a journey from Olomuc to Brno, through the old lands of Bohemia and Moravia, in today's Czech Republic.

Reflections in the window

of reality. As

it was in that moment
when we were sitting opposite
in the carriage. Stopped in the mist
near Austerlitz. When
the other one suddenly moved.

It was us that silently moved.

And we laughed as we remembered
ourselves; and how we were fooled
once before.

Long ago.


  1. Cheers John! We're just back from Brno. Arrived last night. Made many bardic scribbles. Went to Spielberg Castle, Jancek Opera House, Pegasus Brewery, Sherlock Holmes Pub (pound a pint!!!), Pegasus Brewery, etc. Some hearty helpings on our plates.
    Now I'm going for a jog. Aim to lose a couple of Czech induced kilos.


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