Friday, 16 January 2009

haiku moments (11) and the haikutrio form

Poet-in-Residence enjoys the haiku form, both to read and to compose. A variant of the form is when a series of three haiku fits neatly together with some kind of common theme to form a linked haiku story. For this form of haiku Poet-in-Residence has coined the word haikutrio. He trusts that haiku purists will not be too offended by this. After all, poetry is nothing if it not a living, moving, developing art.

This morning dawned crisp and cheery. At long last the thaw had arrived. And so, an early morning walk through the nearby country park was a priority. Perhaps, encouraged by the weather and the With Words website (see A-Z sidebar LINKS) there was indeed an haikutrio to be found:


In the snow
looking for pigs -
I find cloven footprints

Caged parrot shrieks
when I hurry by -
hands deep in pockets

Dazzled by sunlight
an old woman greets me -
believes I'm the priest

gwilym williams


  1. Pigs seem to play quite a large part in your life, Poet. Do you keep them, live near them or what? I love them, they are such intelligent creatures - could probably write haikutrios themselves if only they could speak. Like the trio by the way.

  2. Hello Weaver,
    I love to visit the pigs, they are only 5-10 minutes walk away, ah if they could speak what tales they could spin.

  3. loved these. - by the way Gwilym thanks for reminding me about the heron I took it out to look at it again and forgot all about it
    aye john

  4. Thanks John. I reckon your heron haiku is super. It could win a prize.

  5. Enjoyed the haiku sequence, and nothing wrong with calling it haikutrio! ;-)

    I think the 'haiku form' is one of the most flexible of poetry forms since it goes with prose 'haibun'; artwork as 'haiga'; and of course originated from renga.

    You might be interested in rengay too:
    Garry Gay's rengay

    all my best,

    With Words


  6. Thanks Alan. I see that the Rengay is a 6-linked sequence with a photo. The one I've just looked at, the sepia photo one, is quite something, especially the second verse I thought was very good.

  7. Thanks Alan. Much appreciated.


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