Monday 16 March 2009

Prince in Galapagos Islands

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are visiting the Galapagos Islands. This is where the famous giant tortoise lives.

The Giant Galapagos Tortoise

The Galapagos giants
are on the move.
Their necks outstretched
long as a D H Lawrence nature poem
He persuing Her
over the high ground
on Charles Island
until He catches Her
and plonks His giant house on top of Hers
and slowly seesaws to and fro
And that's it.
That's life.
On Charles Island the Governor
tucks into the tortoise steaks
and remarks to The Philosopher°
All are different.
Show me the reptile
and I'll tell you where it lives.

gw 2009
°Charles Darwin was known to his shipmates
aboard the Beagle as The Philosopher


  1. Oh dear poet, you make it all sound so mundane. Is that all there is? Clunk, clunk, clunk - I suppose that would be the sound - they are such clumsy great things - but tortoise steaks? As usual your poem makes me think.

  2. When Darwin and Fitzroy dined with the Governor on Charles Island tortoise was on definitely on the menu.
    Some sailors killed 200 in one day, including a specimen weighing 300 kilo. It was too heavy to lift into the rowing boat and was left on the beach.
    You can tell from the slight differences in the shape of their shell which Galapagos island they come from.
    As for their boring sex life, I can only stress that they've been around quite a long time.

  3. Mentioning Charles, Camilla and Clunk Clunk in the same post is all too much for me...

  4. ß:-)
    I guess that's my poet laureate bid just about scuppered

  5. A clunkin' good poem, if you ask me. I'm sure there's a place for a People's Anti-Laureate! :)

  6. Dominic,
    I am honoured and flattered. I shall wear it on my sleeve for while!


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