Saturday 30 May 2009

Bukowski Night with Ink, Sweat & Tears

Imagine holding a party where Charles Bukowski, Allen Ginsberg and George Szirtes are the guests. How would it all turn out? What would one learn? Would one learn anything? It's on yesterday's INK, SWEAT & TEARS (via MY LINKS) front page and it's called Bukowski Night.


  1. I fear one would learn very little as they would all be too fond of their own voices I suspect. That is the trouble with being famous.

    I would rather be at a party with a few of my blogging friends - but then again maybe we would all be disappointed. Perhaps it is best to leave it in cyberspace.

  2. I liked your poem on ISAT. Getting people together like that (CB, AG, GS) always reminds me of those jokes - like the hippie, Henry Kissinger and I forget who else arguing over a parachute in a stricken plane. There ought to be a few poetical examples, but I can't think of any.

    The CB night happens every year? What a good idea.

  3. No,Weaver! You're surely getting mixed up with T S Eliot & co.!
    Let's have the Bob Dylan records, the dish of olives and all the rest. And a pity it's only once a year..!


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