Wednesday 27 April 2011

Gunderson postulates prompt criticality in no. 3

Please click on my Arnie Gunderson link and when you come to the Fairewinds homepage click on 'Fukushima Updates' on the top bar and then view this extremely important video.

Without experts like Gunderson we the laypeople would have to depend for our information on the mainstream media and that, as we have seen, could be fatal.

Why are TEPCO and the Japanese government still playing nuclear cat and mouse with all of us? That is the question that should be on everyone's lips.


Update: There is NOW a 'must view' (approx ) 4min video from Arnie Gunderson on the RT website. Scroll the RT video list and click 'Fukushima - gross miscarriage of...'



  1. In answer to your question Gwilym - probably because most people don't care a toss. It is the same with everything - only a few can be really bothered with the important issues - the rest just go on as though everything is OK. It has always been thus - and I suppose it always will be.

  2. They "don't care a toss" because, in this particular case, they think that some nuclear genius will come along and quickly deal with it. The truth is it's a complete chaos and nobody has a clue what to do. Our children's children can sort it out. Meanwhile on with the show...just pay the usual 10,000 € monthly into my bank and I'll put my name to anything you like and you know I'll keep my trap shut Mr. Mox....

  3. I have followed Arnie Gunderson all along. If yo care to know what he means by a "prompt criticality" refer

  4. Raven's Patch, Me too, and I'm staying mainly with Gunderson and Busby. They obviously have good contacts (if you'll pardon the pun). In addition it pays to look at the Tepco Radiation Lists which are to be found on my Fukushima Clouds Link but scroll down to the bottom for the yellow and red warnings - they like to keep the white low figure ones at the top so these are the first ones you see when you like on the page and if you don't scroll down you're liable to miss the red numbers. Curious, is that. I think the dangerous readings should be at the top - but then I'm no expert.


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