Saturday 12 November 2011

H is for Hospital. V is for Victim.

hospital: n. formerly, a charitable institution for the old or destitute, or for the reception (and education) of the needy young: an institution for treatment of sick or injured: a building for any of these purposes.

Here is a small selection of the victims of Am Steinhof a Vienna hospital run by the Nazis.

These people have one thing in common. They were all murdered.

victim: n. a living being offered as a sacrifice: one subjected to death, suffering or ill-treatment: a prey: a sufferer


  1. It does us all good to remember these things Gwilym - the senselessness of it all - and those false borders (after all, animals ignore them) which countries guard so strongly. I can't see how to leave a comment on Poetry Rat, so am leaving it here. Interestingly, the word verification is 'enemy'

  2. Your series on this was incredible. It always amazes me how much there is to learn about a particular time period, no matter how much you may think you already know. Thank you for shedding light on this dark time.

  3. Hello Pat, I don't allow comments on Poetry Rat but it's fine to LEAVE THEM HERE. Many thanks.

    Choc City Native and Library Diva, thanks for your appreciation.



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