Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The Right of Books to be Safe

Do books, like people, have the right to be safe from persecution? That is the question. If the answer is 'No', where should we draw the line? And who should be responsible for drawing it?

The Right of Books to be Safe

Macklin's Bible in VII volumes
Butler's Hudibras
F X Kraus's Dante

Douce's Illustrations of Shakspeare
Pinelli's Costumi Antichi
Napoleon III's Histoire de Jules Cesar

Lasserre's Notre-Dame de Lourdes
Benson's Confessions of a Convert
Porson's Tracts and Criticisms

Spencer's Synthetic Philosophy
Pashley's Travels in Crete
Keppel Craven's Excursions in the Abruzzi

J P Uz's Poetische Werke
Gleig's Life of Thomas Munro
and Merejowsky's L'Antechrist

are standing in rows
in wire mesh boxes.

We note the imprints
on their spines.

Their ancient secrets
have escaped us.

Homer and Cato
look on with alarm.


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