Monday, 9 January 2012

Poetry Rat

I am delighted that my Poetry Rat e-book is proving popular. It's where I put my own favourite poems. Work goes on at snail's pace, but it does go on. At the time of writing there are 34 poems within the Poetry Rat pages.

You will notice (if you go there) that there is no comment section enabled. Readers of Poetry Rat may leave comments here at Poet-in-Residence if they wish. See, for example, Gerald England's comment two posts below this one.

Poetry Rat, now in its third month, has had over 800 visitors. That may not sound a lot until you consider how many people would, or could, read a conventional poetry book even as its author compiled it? Not too many.

On the subject of statistics I am highly pleased that my Poet-in-Residence blog received more than 50,000* hits during 2011. This is a huge number for this one-man-show, and so my grateful thanks to all my readers. Each and every one of you.


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