Friday 5 June 2015

haiku composed on reading Jim Murdoch's one and only haiku

Jim Murdoch's only haiku is titled 

'The Faces of Men' - 

 how quickly

the light of the sun


My haiku reply to Jim's haiku was titled 

'Don't Question' -

 without our books

of guidelines

 where would we be

When I now read the two poems straight through, as if they were one, I see the two fitting easily together to form a poem of two verses. All the new poem requires is a fitting title. And to that purpose I've taken Jim's first line.

 'How Quickly' 

 how quickly

 the light of the sun


 without our books

 of guidelines

  where would we be


  1. You misread what I wrote, Gwilliam. I said, “the shortest poem was a nine word haiku—my only haiku—written in 2008” but I like what you’ve done here, especially the combined version. For the record that 2008 haiku was:

    a haiku
    floating in white space
    a receding bird

  2. Sorry about the 'misread', Jim. I'll leave it as it is as you like it. But I like the white bird one too. So that's here as you say for the record.
    Your remarks about your party piece Fleas and your visual poem on your blog has got me scratching my head and wondering if I might compose a one word haiku. Mmm.


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