Monday, 25 January 2016


'In the vast majority of cases, people stick with whatever metaphysical system they grow up in. That's why atheist humanism - the basis of any "pluralist society" - is doomed.' 
Submission by Michel Houellebecq - p. 56. 


  1. Not so sure I agree with that statement. I am sure it does not apply to me, but then I am not the 'vast majority of cases' - indeed i might be the exception that proves the rule.

    1. Not sure I agree with it either, but the sheep possibly do. Evangelism, Islam, Esoteric, all seem to be on the increase. I see no reason why not.
      I placed a haiku poem elsewhere stating that my age is 14.7 billion years. That's as near as I can pin anything down.

  2. One persons opinion does not amount to very much.

    1. Thanks. It's a prophetic work. Fast forward 20 years. We have to wait and see.

  3. Another vote against M. Houellebecq's assertion. I know so many people who have had their minds opened, generally in their 20s. The question is how to counter the darkness. Maybe the atheist humanists just aren't breeding fast enough to keep up. Nice sheep, though.

    1. Thanks. The author sees the elite, taking the money the extra wives and the ideology. It's not clear at the end if the students will follow their professors down la rue noir.

  4. It appears to me that at this moment in time a pluralistic society is doomed full stop.

    1. Humanity is doomed, unless the supreme being has an ace up his sleeve. The arrival of a ufo from Orion might give us pause for thought.

  5. If I look at most religions in themselves (as far as I can), their gist is not violent and can well tolerate each other. See "Nathan der Weise". It is what leaders/preachers make of them - and which sheep follow.

    1. That's a massive problem. I went to a church on a border next to a No Man's Land; a typical place mined and razor wired, overlooked by Radar. It was a modern church and at the place the locals testified a miracle had happened. And a book was published. It was a church where the enemy, people of another religion, had arrived with a surprise attack which left the area in the enemy's hands. The inside of the building was decorated with brutal images of historical atrocities. What hope is there? There is none, because religion, politics and military are big business. They work together to create mayhem. Carnage. All in the interest of kings and dragons. We need only look in any major historical art gallery. Sheep have little choice in the matter. They hope the can keep on chewing.

  6. Political Correctness could sheep like behaviour Gwil.

    1. Here I informed them that I was a resident and a citizen of another EU land. The third question they asked me was what my "official religion" was. I told them I didn't have any "official religion". So they left the place on the form blank. In the end we are all responsible for ourselves and to ourselves. If we follow the sheep we'd better be damn sure we know where they are going.

  7. __"Anthem"

    Eyes write; as deeper thought overcomes; imprints. _m

    1. Another Banana Republic Anthem:
      We'll see, we'll see
      What we're told to see
      We'll be we'll be
      What we're told to be
      We'll read we'll read
      What we're told to read
      We'll free we'll free
      Those we're told to free
      We'll kill we'll kill
      Those we're told to kill
      We'll till we'll till
      When we're told to till
      As we sing as we sing
      Words we're told to sing
      And we'll praise the king
      And we'll praise the king
      The king who gave us every thing
      The king who gave us every thing
      No matter what the cost
      No matter that the cause is lost

    2. I can't believe how paranoid we're all becoming. Every Jack and his dog criticizing an establishment in Wales for supplying 3 free meals a day to refugees who wear a discreet wristband you can easily tuck under your shirt cuff. Comparisons to the yellow armbands in Nazi Deutschland and the extermination of the Jews.
      Plainly we're all going nuts.

    3. __As implied in that Ayn Rand book "Anthem" the method of governmental human control is to imprint young minds with the government's ideals, and that control begins with infants, with the input control of ALL their thoughts.
      __Luckily, there are those that feel, see, think, and reason... HUMANELY... far above any imprints that had been made.

    4. Thanks Magyar. I'll take a look at "Anthem".

      God knows we have been warned enough times. Orwell, Huxley, JFK, et al. Each nation deserves the government it gets.

      Hitler started in exactly the way you mention. Teachers replaced by instructors. Children educated to spy on their parents and made to write poems in praise of their leader.

    5. I met a man. He used to cut my hair. He could recite the Koran in Arabic. I said: I know you can speak Gujurat and English but didn't know you could speak Arabic. He replied: I can't.


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