Friday, 12 August 2016

The Obama-Putin Problem in a Nutshell

believe no one 
is obliged that what 
is true to conform for 
America to a single is true 
for development model virtually all 
that is considered mature democracies by someone else as the right 



  1. I see some right in both of them.

    1. That's true. Obama quote is in red and Putin quote is in white. The problem I have with people like Obama is they shoot from the hip. We have these sanctions that are harming Europe as much as Russia as one consequence. We have a deployment of US missiles on the eastern border of Europe as another consequence, and there are many etceras. Unfortunately there double standards at play when it comes to other nations, so called friends of the US in the Middle East, who are given free rein. This kind of behavior is also divisive and dangerous.

    2. And they shoot from the lip.

    3. It seems to me, unlike Russia, Israel and Saudi Arabia and favoured nations can do whatever they like with impunity from military action or sanctions. Other nations and there are many must suffer consequences.

    4. Saudi coalition bombed a school in the Yemen today killing 10 children and injuring 28. They recently persuaded the UN to take them off the blacklist of baddies. Money talks for the Saudis.

    5. 17 of the 9/11 terrorists who attacked New York and Washington DC with hijacked planes were Saudi. And as we learn now with connections on high places. So what did the US do in response. They went into Afghanistan, Iraq and using drones and so called military advisors made several proxy wars and conflicts in the region, but in Saudi Arabia nichts.

  2. So true Gwil and what a clever way of highlighting it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is now revealed that the Turkish-Germany-EU talks of the last 5 years were merely a meaningless farce, as is being reported following an "indiscretion" in Germany. An "indiscretion" appears to be a new word for a leak or something of that nature. The indiscretion is basically that Turkey has been since 2011 a "central action platform for Islamists" which Turkey denies and so it goes on . . .

      The times are they a-changing or was it always so and now we the unwashed are just discovering more chicanery and trickery than ever before.


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