Monday, 19 January 2015

Another close shave

heavenly smooth
 pro glide
 fusion flexed
ball razor
max/ing closer contact
all directions
and dimensions
 seafresh gel
to lather
sleepy face
to clearly face
the day
that dawns in  steamy
before the mug
 of wake and
smell the instant 
the front page
photo brings from far away
Manila in the Philippines
for there 
the clean shaved man
in sun brite yellow pacamac
 gently showers
 his love 
like rain
 into their hearts
 and minds 
and souls 
to illustrate 
his point.

- the above is a tribute to Pope Francis (78) on the occasion of his visit to the Philippines in January 2015


  1. and a lovely tribute too Gwil. I am not RC - in fact have no religious views but one cannot help but admire this man at the moment.

  2. I think that's true. He is touched by whatever force for good exists in the universe. I think his greatest quality is his universal kindness. We may call it love.


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