Gwilym, is there any chance you could contact me on I'm wanting to be in touch about permission to quote from your translation of Erich Fried's 'What it is' in a novel (I'm a beginning novelist).Apologies but I've not found another way to reach you. Thanks for your help.
Gwilym, is there any chance you could contact me on I'm wanting to be in touch about permission to quote from your translation of Erich Fried's 'What it is' in a novel (I'm a beginning novelist).Apologies but I've not found another way to reach you. Thanks for your help.
ReplyDeleteThanks Douglas, I'll contact you soon. Gwilym
ReplyDeleteAs usual Gwil, your Darwin post in clever.
ReplyDeleteThank you Pat. The orang-utang is an artistic genius. I've actually seen him at work. Some of his paintings have been exhibited.
ReplyDeleteThoughts of Darwin make me think how far we've come, in terms of thought, in such a short time.
ReplyDeleteNow we have machines to do our thinking for us.