Saturday, 17 January 2015

On the fifth day . . .

God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems . . . God blessed them and said: "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water . . . "   Genesis Chpt. 1

In whose image created He them? 


  1. The face begs the question.

  2. Charles Darwin may have the answer for you because God did not provide it.

  3. Welcome back from Forint lands.

  4. One may not think of "life" as having an image, but I think the contrast is stark when compared to death, which is not the same as an inanimate object. So, in the distinct and unique "image of life."

  5. 'Life' is image. It is light. It is colour. It is the senses. Vibration. Waves. It is made in our heads. The real 'outside' that our eyes, for example, see has been described as the colour of 'dirty snow'. The colourful coral is also in 'life'.


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