Sunday, 4 July 2010


This haiku is my single ticket for a short ride on the poetry bus. This week's driver is the blogger Weaver of Grass.


the liner coming into port,-
it sails into the bar
& gently heaves-up in the sink

image: free colouring pictures


  1. I shall have to go away and think about this Gwilym - thanks for hopping on to the bus - I would have waited for you.

  2. Poor guy. Must have been one hell of a night out.

  3. Weaver, it's one of those haiku that reads like a cryptic crossword clue -
    DMT is Dylan Marlais Thomas who died of alcoholic poisoning and TSE is T S Eliot of whom Dylan Thomas once said it was like meeting the prow of a ship, or something similar.
    T S Eliot once refused a poem from Thomas for a TSE edited anthology. Thomas sent Eliot a 2-line submission. It was to the effect: "you didn't want my poems when I was unknown so why do you want them now when I'm famous?" -
    so that's a bit of the background.

  4. Mairi, thanks for dropping by. I don't know how true it is, the figure varies, but Dylan's last words were something like: twenty straight whiskies, I think it's a record

  5. Captures a certain quality about TSE - the one tends to put me off him. I have been reading him a bit, recently, though. I've been trying to enjoy it, with some success. I sometimes think there is a huge schism in 20th century poetry between the heart and the head. The impulsiveness of Neruda, say, versus, the "hundred visions and revisions" of Eliot.

  6. Dominic,
    Off hand I'd say TSE is superiorficially deep. It appears he liked worship.
    I always imagine lesser lights tapping timidly at his door. Prostrating their poems in his critical presence. Perhaps this tellsus more about Oxbridge than about TSE?

    Are you perchance my muse? I think, after reading your comment, I shall have to 'do' TSE next - in my dead poets series.

  7. Always sceptical of haiku but this one is great fun. I got the Eliot reference but don't really know much about him, except we had to the Four Quartets in school (I preferred Macavity)

  8. Peter, thanks for saying you 'got it'. The reference to DMT is of course obvious, once you figure out who DMT is, and also the reference to TSE, but when I posted it I did wonder if people would 'get' the TSE angle or if it would be too obscure. I'm very pleased they did! It proves the haiku.

  9. No, not too obscure, and works on many levels. No haiku fan here either, but I loved this!

  10. Thanks Titus. Here's your half of a Bonio!


  11. I know nothing about TSE's
    said TFE
    but I know all about the DT's.


    As president of PAH! (Poets against Haiku) I could not possibly comment further than to add that there is always room for more puke in poetry and if Haikus like this keep appearing I might have to resign.

  12. I'm certainly glad to have the benefit of explanation, whereupon I can see clearly! Thank you for the celebrity tidbits and a clever haiku.

  13. TFE,
    As President of PAH and owner of the World's Best Blog I'd say you're on safe ground. Thanks! Hic, hic, that's the Zwickl unfiltered. My teatime Bier.

  14. Thanks Derrick,
    Perhaps a solution would be a good idea if I could type it upside down.
    But what an idea! You'd have to stand on your head to read it...
    cheers, gwilym

  15. I like both poets very much and appreciated your haiku, along with general tidbits offered. Curiosity makes me wonder how long it took to compose. Nice to see you in residence on the Bus.

  16. Enchanted Oak, It didn't take long once I'd got to grips with the problem. But I've always been a glutton for the pun. It helps. See you on Dominic's bus! I think he might be bananas, but please don't tell anyone. I mean, did you hear his helium poem...? Treeeelywenderfil or what?

  17. Transportation Poet22 July 2010 at 16:51

    I have just decided to start a new blog to return to an old love for writing humourous rhymes [at least I try to make them funny!]. I spent 20 years scriptwriting amateur satirical revues which gave me the opportunity to write poems, performance lyrics and sketches. I realised I missed it so would appreciate it if you would take an occasional look at my blog if only to say - give up!

  18. Hello TP,
    Good luck with your new blog. I'll be delighted to look in . But do please remind me if I don't show up. My so-called memory is a complete disaster area.


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