Wednesday, 31 August 2011

In the land of sheep and sheep weather

In the land of sheep and sheep weather
there are long narrow paths
and along them we follow the leader

these paths have a name
it is follow the leader
and along them we follow our leader

until we hop through the gate
that is open before us
dogs are behind us

and walk up the road
that leads to the gate
of the field where the grass grows much greener

than the grass of the field we have left
and here we spread out

each finds a choice place

each one a specialist in a new field



  1. How apt Gwilym that you should publish this poem on the same day that I put on yet another photograph of the valley that holds Cautley Spout with its narrow sheep path.

  2. Great rhythm to this one Gwilym.

  3. Pat, thanks. I enlarged your photo and suddenly there they were - the sheep!

    Gordon, many thanks!


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