Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Bright Ideas No. 99


  1. You will be able to do number 100 or thereabouts on how he went back to bed for four days while waiting for his new energy saving toaster to toast his bread for breakfast.

    1. Did you know the original light bulbs worked for 3,000 hours before the industry cartel ordered them to be designed to work for only 1,000 hours. That meant people had to buy three times as many as before. The energy-saving lamps are basically in useless a private house because they take so long to warm up. f you want to go in a room to get something in the night it's quicker to take a flashlight or a candle. Also they don't last for years and years as advertised. I suppose that factor depends on which factory in China they are coming from.

  2. I hate the strange light of energy-saving bulbs - although the LED is slightly better than the poisonous ones they sold us before that. In case of the energy-saving-bulb I am inclined to believe in the Rockefeller-Clan-conspiracy - which fits in neatly with your information about the 1,000 hours.
    Your bearded person might also buy the suit with life-long duration (saw the old movie?) Of course it was eliminated, because then you only buy once...

  3. __So often, >new< technologies prove deeply that, >old< technologies... still have unquestionable values.

    __Just as an exercise, eliminate the word -technologies- and replace that word with -people-. _m

  4. Seems things are not all that different where you are then Gwil - anything ordered just has to be waited for - with patience.

    1. Thanks. I'd missed the double meaning. Two jokes for the price of one!


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