Thursday, 8 September 2016

9/11 Remembered, now 15 years on!

Some people prefer
folks would quietly move on
Not this firefighter though!


  1. I saw the whole thing on TV of course, as most folk did, and we went to the site of 9/11 in Nre York shortly after the site was cleared of rubble. It was awe inspiring and had a sense of the enormity of the whole event about it. I don't know whether this feeling has gone now that new buildings have gone up, but it is certainly one of those events which the world will never forget. Some of the imagery sticks in the mind (for example, the couple who were leaping from the windows hand in hand - that image will stick with me for ever.)

    1. More than 300 firefighters lost their lives that day. They are the professionals. They were the first responders. They know what they saw. One day the truth will come out.

  2. I watched it in my office, a stockbroker at the time. Coincidentally an architect came in, a client, as it was unfolding and watched with me, As the second tower came down he looked on in horror of course as I did, but he said without hesitation and immediately on the sight of it falling, that this could not happen.
    I can say no more than that but those words and his immediacy of that observation have always stayed with me. (He meant that buildings do not fall like that).

    1. The 3 buildings fell within a short space of time. Buildings 1,2, and 7. They all belonged to Mr. Silverstein who rented out office space etc.. Building 1 and 2 were hit planes. Building 7 was not hit. You can see Silverstein on news video saying "Pull it" which is a demolition term meaning "Pull it down". And vertically down it came just like Buildings 1 and 2 into its own footprint. A structural engineer can be seen in another vide saying: "If Building 7 was wired for demolition (which it clearly was) then (it follows) all 3 buildings were wired for demolition."
      Any person with half a brain can see that the observation of the architect watching the second tower fall must be correct. Some insiders, such as retired FBI men and others in similar professions say that 9/11 is part of the secret global conspiracy JFK spoke about before he was assassinated. Let the chips fall where they will.

    2. Some other buildings were hit by debris and caught fire. I think maybe Building 5 was the worst damaged. But interestingly none of these other buildings fell. Only Building 7 fell without being hit by a plane.

  3. Reading all this - all of which is news to me Gwil - I find the whole thing horrifying. We do like to take the simple explanation and it never occurred to me that there could be any other.

    1. A sad state of affairs when we can't trust the mainstream news to report the news truthfully. Did you know for example that the BBC reported that Building 7 had fallen 20 minutes BEFORE it happened?

    2. The world is not as most people perceive it.


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